From Scouting to Gourmet Camp Cooking: Discovering the Great Outdoors with Kevin Ride

Do you hear that? The rustle of leaves, the distant call of a loon, the crackle of a campfire… It’s the call of the wild, beckoning you to step outside and embrace the adventures that await. If you’ve ever yearned to swap the city lights for starlit nights, our latest episode of the Super Good Camping Podcast is the perfect trail guide for your journey!

Join hosts Pamela and Tim as they dive into an enthralling conversation with none other than the renowned Kevin Ride, affectionately known in the outdoor community as Kevin Outdoors. This author, YouTuber, and outdoor enthusiast shares his wealth of knowledge, from scouting beginnings to crafting gourmet meals in the backcountry.

Scouting Roots: Where It All Began

Imagine the serenity of Prince Edward Island, the place where our guests’ passion for the great outdoors took root. Kevin and Tim reminisce about their scouting days, the skills they mastered, and the unforgettable experiences bestowed upon them by their scout leaders. These early adventures weren’t just fun and games; they were the foundation for a lifetime of wilderness exploration.

Canoeing Through Ontario & The Art of Preparation

Venture further into the episode as Kevin outlines the intricacies of camping and canoeing across Ontario’s pristine landscapes. He shares how friends became mentors, teaching him the critical art of preparation, especially for those extended trips into nature’s embrace. Discover the craft of making dehydrated food, a game-changer for any outdoor enthusiast looking to lighten their load without sacrificing taste.

The Birth of Kevin Outdoors: A YouTube Sensation

Delve into Kevin’s journey from capturing family trips on camera to becoming a YouTube sensation, thanks to the encouragement of a growing audience. His transition from casual videographer to a structured content creator has led to a plethora of fans and an unforgettable bear encounter that still has his in-laws chuckling as they gift him bear-themed mementos.

Bear Encounters & Wilderness Wisdom

Speaking of bears, learn the difference between their behaviors in the wild, and gain insight into staying safe with proper food precautions. Kevin’s anecdotes, peppered with wisdom and wit, will ensure you’re well-prepared for your next—or first—encounter with these majestic creatures.

Dehydrated Delicacies & Culinary Creations

Ever considered gourmet cooking while camping? Kevin unveils the secrets behind preparing dehydrated meals that are both scrumptious and practical. His tips on rehydration instructions and using a pot cozy for fuel conservation are goldmines for the campsite chef. And for those looking to step up their camp cooking game, Kevin’s technique-focused approach will have you dehydrating butter chicken, lasagna, and risotto like a pro!

“Backcountry Eats”: A Treasure Trove of Camping Recipes

picture of Kevin Ride's Backcountry Eats Cookbook for great dehydrated meals for backcountry camping adventures

Get ready to elevate your outdoor dining experience with Kevin’s book “Backcountry Eats.” Packed with quality recipes and practical advice, it’s a must-have for any camping aficionado. Want to know where to snag a copy? We’ve got you covered.

Join the Adventure!

As our enlightening session with Kevin Ride comes to a close, we invite you, our fellow nature enthusiasts, to engage with us on social media and visit our website, Don’t miss out on the chance to enrich your outdoor experiences with tips, stories, and a community of like-minded adventurers.

Pack your bags, tune in to the Super Good Camping Podcast, and let’s journey together into the wild, one campfire tale at a time. See you on the trail!