Capturing the Great Outdoors: Photography for Campers

picture of white rock cliffs at killarney provincial park

Hello, nature lovers and photography enthusiasts! Today, we’re taking a deep dive into the art of capturing the great outdoors through the lens, inspired by a fascinating discussion between Pamela and Tim from the Super Good Camping Podcast. Whether you’re a professional photographer or a happy snapper with your trusty smartphone, this post is packed with insights that will elevate your next camping trip’s photo album from good to breathtaking!

The Great Gear Debate: DSLRs vs. Smartphones

As we gather virtually around the campfire, let’s listen in as Tim, an avid photographer with an impressive camera collection, and Pamela, a smartphone user, share their thoughts. One thing is clear: the choice of camera gear is personal and vital. Tim explains the virtues of DSLRs and specialized lenses for those stunning wildlife shots and breathtaking landscapes. He also highlights the undeniable benefits of digital photography, such as the ability to take burst shots—perfect for capturing that fleeting moment when a deer leaps through the meadow.

picture of a mushroom in Killarney Provincial Park

Point, Shoot, and Go!

But it’s not all about the hefty gear. Tim points out the convenience of point-and-shoot cameras like the older Canon G3, which is beloved for its rich colour saturation and warm tones, and the Panasonic Lumix DX60 or DX80, which boasts exceptional zoom capabilities. For the adrenaline junkies out there, Tim suggests action cameras like the GoPro for their wide lenses and ability to capture the rush of the moment.

Nature’s Palette: Photography Tips from the Trail

Our camping duo doesn’t stop at camera talk; they delve into practical photography tips. Respect for wildlife and the environment is paramount when out in the wilderness. Embrace the magic of natural light during the “golden hour” to give your photos that ethereal quality. While composition rules like the rule of thirds are important to some, don’t be afraid to experiment with center placement for a bold statement. And for those intricate close-ups in macro photography, subject placement can make or break the shot.

picture of a lake and white cliffs in Killarney Provincial Park

Pro Tips: Keep it Clean and Inspired

Remember to keep your cameras close and away from sand when beach camping. Tim and Pamela recommend following Chris Prouse’s Instagram and YouTube channel for inspiration and videography tips. Her work is a testament to the power of storytelling through video.

Smartphones: The Unexpected Contender

The conversation acknowledges a truth that might surprise traditionalists: modern smartphone cameras are phenomenal. National Geographic photographers often use them, blurring the lines between professional and amateur gear.

picture of the beach at Killarney Provincial Park

A Parting Reminder: Leave Only Footprints

Before signing off, a gentle reminder of the golden rule of outdoor exploration: leave only footprints.

Connect with us via email or social media to share your camping and photography experiences.

Whether you prefer the heft of a DSLR or the convenience of a smartphone, remember that the best camera is the one you have with you. So, charge your batteries, pack your bags, and prepare to capture the soul-stirring beauty of nature on your next camping adventure. For a treasure trove of tips and tales from the trail, head over to—where every camper finds a home. Listen to the episode here.

Now, we’d love to hear from you! What’s your go-to camera for outdoor photography? Share your thoughts and your most memorable camping snapshot in the comments below or reach out through our social channels. Until next time, happy snapping and happy trails!