Ontario Provincial Park Rules, Trilliums, and Ferris Provincial Park

The following is the transcript from our podcast episode on Ontario Provincial Park rules, Trilliums, and Ferris Provincial Park. Pamela: Hello, and good day, eh. Welcome to the Super Good Camping podcast. My name is Pamela. Tim: And I’m Tim Pamela: and we are from supergoodcamping.com. We are on a mission to help other families… Continue reading Ontario Provincial Park Rules, Trilliums, and Ferris Provincial Park

Camping Books

Pamela: Hello, and good day, eh. Welcome to the Super Good Camping podcast. My name is Pamela. Tim: And I’m Tim Pamela: and we are on a mission to inspire other families to enjoy camping adventures, such as we have with our kids. Today we wanted to talk a bit about books for camping or… Continue reading Camping Books

Ontario Parks Winter and Fall Day Use Activities and Roofed Accommodations

Pamela: Hello and Good day, eh. I’m Pamela. Tim: And I’m Tim. Pamela: And we’re from supergoodcamping.com We’re here because we wanted to inspire other families to enjoy camping adventures such as we have with our kids. We want to talk today a little bit about things you can do this time of year and… Continue reading Ontario Parks Winter and Fall Day Use Activities and Roofed Accommodations


Below is the transcript from our podcast episode on Canoes, enjoy! Pamela: Hello and Good day, eh. Welcome to the Super Good Camping podcast. My name is Pamela Tim: and I’m Tim Pamela: and we are on a mission to inspire other families to enjoy camping adventures such as we have with our kids. Today… Continue reading Canoes